
bria holness

Community Engagement Coordinator

Favorite NYC restaurant: Ofrenda in the West Village is an all time fave of mine - authentic flavorful Mexican food, tasty margaritas, vibes and memories that I will always deeply cherish.

In the city I love: Driving across the Brooklyn Bridge during a summer evening sunset. Windows down. Wind blowing across my face. Sun in my eyes. It's a warm nostalgic feeling that I can't even describe.

Passions: I'm really passionate about God and connection - to Him, to my true self, and to others. This comes in many forms for me whether it's curled up in my cozy corner reading, writing, creating something with my hands, spending quality time with family and friends, using what I have to serve or encourage others, working out, or spending time in/around nature. I feel closest to God by water, in the middle of a forest or high up on a mountain. As I am getting older, I'm learning that we all just want to be seen, heard, and loved, me included. My fire burns most when I am in deep, vulnerable and free connection where I can be my true full self and someone else feels safe to do the same. As scary as it is and can continue to be, I am filled when I see some of my worst moments turn into a pathway to Jesus and healing for others. 

Outside of RADIANT: I work for a social justice oriented non-profit media organization whose focus is to empower women and girls for the sake of environmental sustainability. Otherwise, I love to travel, drink good coffee, and be a plant mom to my eight plant babies. 

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